ParaView 3 Telecon 05-05-2011

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paraview may 5

dave paraview 4

meeting for paraview 4 face to face how many from kitware? 3-4 dax sandia 3-4 albany--

20th june dod conference early mid/august in colorado end of may

selection through/ prism in prism view how selection of cells frustum selection; coincident points--get both

3.10.1 fix announcement?

shifting to nightly builds? dashboard improvement? in situ?

theoretically simple to make binaries 3.10.2

3.12 forking head process prism, cube axis, cts changes; June target; work flow changes utkarsh mailing list 2/3 weeks ago going to more branchy workflow git next branch

issue with submodules issue with data directories test images

one implication is that we will go from release/patch/release/patch

dashboard cleanup

supercomputing tutorial if accepted

in situ berk--3.12 not right target; modularization, update paraview building minimal inset library

in situ success stories from application science

paper for supercomputing good one for that