ParaView 3 Telecon 02-28-2011

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Paraview meeting 2/28

3.10 new viz trails plugins from immanuel release candidates (good user interaction) doing weekly "one button" (monthly, nightly) 'latest nightly'

python calc macro for alan volume

'phd' button visit has expression stuff that essentially is built into reader; variables show up in certain formats, including legacy vtk, embed expressions

derived quantities (hard code to reader?)

berk will float idea for putting post-read-pre-use process/derive

one stage, wait for processing, next stage, wait for processing

4.0--ability to keep creating and apply at end

supercomputing tutorials

purview with adios

scidac3 will schroder will be kitware

  data management plus vis or separate?
  wes bethel may try to get involved and get us out

prism cug--cray user group ldev large data and analysis and visualization symposium at ieee vis

lucy nell program mgr under oscar and office of science wanted 2 days, got one Berk: pasta guys gorden bell submission

 university of colorado

supercomputing paper

160k cores in situ delivery of geometry to vis nodes at argon in comparison with just writing to disk

nathan confident get run at 64k; use case; multiple use case makes more sense from kitware andy would take the lead

effort from our side elemtech --funding how?