[Paraview] Scope of effort

David E DeMarle dave.demarle at kitware.com
Sat Feb 23 06:42:38 EST 2013

That is one of vtk's regression tests. To enable it you must first
build vtk/paraview from source with the cmake option BUILD_TESTING on. This
particular test might also need VTK_DATA_ROOT set to point to the directory
where you've downloaded vtk's regression test data files. Once built,
change into the build directory and run "ctest -R AreaSel -V" to run just
this one test with the verbose output sent to the console.

On Saturday, February 23, 2013, Chris Fisichella wrote:

> I am hoping the members of this list will be able to help me see the
> amount of work that needs to be done.I am becoming a big fan of OpenFOAM,
> but the boundary condition selection for arbitrary geometries is lacking in
> my estimation. OpenFOAM introduced me to ParaView and I am wondering if it
> would be a perfect tool to specify the surfaces to which fluid boundary
> conditions should be applied.
> I see an example called VTK/Rendering/Testing/Cxx/TestAreaSelections.cxx
> What do I need to do to get that example running? I am looking around the
> build directory and don't see an executable, but I do see the
> CMakeLists.txt file. For what I need to do, it would be sufficient to have
> an .obj model displayed in ParaView. Ideally, I would adapt this code to
> give me surface points.
> What would be involved in making this happen? I assume I'll be running
> gcc. Do I need to make it be part of a plug-in? I'm a little confused as to
> where "TestAreaSelections" interfaces with ParaView.
> Thanks,Chris

David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
R&D Engineer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-881-4909
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