[Paraview] Very slow performance in Parallel mode

Arya Mazaheri aryanet at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 05:05:54 EDT 2012

Hi there, 
I have made some experiments to see how running paraview in parallel mode can help me visualize my data more faster. 
First I ran paraview on my Macbook pro with a sphere source which has about 90MB data. It's running smoothly without considerable annoyance. Then I tried to run the same dataset on ONE cluster node with 48 CPU cores. I started the paraview with the following command:
# mpirun -np 48  /share/apps/Paraview3/bin/pvserver -display :0

Then I connected to the server with my Macbook to render the same dataset. But I noticed a great deal on performance degradation. It was so hard to rotate and manipulate the object in 3d view. I am surprised by this issue! Do you know the reason?

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