[Paraview] auto generated line edits in the display panel

burlen burlen.loring at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 21:21:28 EDT 2012


I'm finding it at times problematic when making changes to line edits in 
the auto generated display properties panel, that the individual parts 
of the change triggers a render. For example, if I were to change a 
parameter from "1" to "0.005" there are 5 renders triggered (0, 0., 0.0, 
0.00, 0.005). Of course it's no big deal when working locally with small 
data but it can be problematic when rendering takes along time. In other 
cases the intermediate values sent (eg the 4 values 0  to 0.00) are 
invalid and the render produces either nothing or the incorrect results 
until the final value is ready.

At the same time it seems that in other cases it's a desirable thing for 
the auto-generated panels to respond immediately to changes for example 
to make apply button green. So I'm wondering, would it be possible to 
control this behavior with an xml attribute? for example by connecting 
to one or the other of the editingFinished or texteEdited signals? Or 
perhaps for the generation code to select which signal to connect to 
depending on the context?

Since the properties panel is under development I thought it might be a 
good time to suggest such a change (-:


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