[Paraview] How to check boundary IDs

Tomohisa Simoyama shimoyamatomohisa at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 05:09:02 EDT 2012

Dear all Paraview user,

This is Tomohisa Shimoyama from Hiroshima University, Japan.

I am just wandering whether I can check the boundary IDs or not.
I try to simulate the tsunami propagation.

I made a mesh of the western Japan by using the generated mesh model
When I see the mesh, I have to use Paraview.
For my simulation, I have to know my Surface and Boundary IDs.

Do you know how to check it?
Welcome to any comments.
Thank you for your kindness in advance.

Best Regards,

Tomohisa Shimoyama

広島大学大学院 国際協力研究科 開発科学専攻
Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima
Master of International Development and Cooperation

Shimoyama Tomohisa (下山 知久)
Tel: 090-1351-4170
Email: shimoyamatomohisa at gmail.com
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