[Paraview] Single screen, side-by-side stereo possible?

Brian Corrie bcorrie at sfu.ca
Fri Jul 13 17:19:39 EDT 2012


I have a stereo display that uses side-by-side stereo (Panasonic plasma 
TV). Ideally I would be able to say --stereo 
--stereo-type="side-by-side". This stereo mode doesn't exist (correct me 
if I am wrong).

Is there a way to do this? I can't seem to find a way of running 
pvserver with a pvx config in some sort of left-eye, right-eye mode.

I want to do something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <Process Type="client" />
   <Process Type="server">
     <!-- IQStation at SFU -->
   <Machine Name="localhost"
            LowerLeft=" -1 -1 -1"
            LowerRight=" 1 -1 -1"
            UpperRight=" 1  1 -1"
            windowPos = "(0, 0), (1920, 1080)"
            leftViewportPos="(0, 0), (960, 1080)"
            rightViewportPos="(960, 0), (960, 1080)"

Of course, I made up the windowPos, left, and right viewport parts of 
course 8-) They come from a VRUI config...

Any hints? Am I missing something obvious?


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