[Paraview] Calculator filter doesn't see a PointData vector

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Mon Jan 30 13:59:26 EST 2012

I have a data set that has a 308D vector associated with the PointData:


I want to apply a Calculator filter to filter the points by their
descriptor magnitude. In the Calculator filter, I choose

Attribute mode: PointData

Then if I click the "Vectors" drop down box, I see two other vectors
(colors and coords), but not "Descriptors". If I click on the
"Scalars" drop down box, I see 308 entries for a single dimension of
the descriptor vector with their index appended after an underscore
(ie. Descriptors_0 ...Descriptors_307), but not the whole vector. Is
there a way to apply a norm(Descriptors) operation in the Calculator
filter with this data set?



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