[Paraview] Unreclaimed memory in coprocessing? (PV 3.12.0 and git-master)

Takuya OSHIMA oshima at eng.niigata-u.ac.jp
Tue Jan 10 09:08:21 EST 2012


I am having a problem where the memory usage of my simulation program
which links with the PV coprocessing library grows until it gets
killed by the operating system.

I have the following piece of code for triggering coprocessing and if
I watch the memory usage with the ps/top commands it grows only at the
timestep where this->Processor->CoProcess() is called. My simulation
program uses vtkImageData as underlying data structure so no data
format adaptation (that may involve allocating extra memory for data
copy) is performed.

  if (this->Processor->RequestDataDescription(this->DataDescription))
    vtkCPInputDataDescription *idd
        = this->DataDescription->GetInputDescriptionByName("input");
    // obtain vtkImageData to coprocess from my simulation program
    vtkImageData *grid = this->TimeInfo->GetGrid();
    // now call the coprocessing library

Besides, the Apple's "leaks" tool shows no meaningful leaks which
makes me wonder if e.g. there are un-unregistered proxies than simply
unmatched New()/Delete() or new/delete pairs.

The problem is same for PV 3.12.0 and the git master as of today.
Is anybody else having the problem? Any ideas?


Takuya OSHIMA, Ph.D.
Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University
8050 Ikarashi-Ninocho, Nishi-ku, Niigata, 950-2181, JAPAN
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