[Paraview] Building Paraview on windows 7

Aurélien Marsan aur.marsan at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 09:22:17 EST 2011


When trying to build Paraview on a computer running under windows 7, using
cmake and Visual C++ 2008 Express, I have a plenty of error like

75>c:\paraview-3.12.0\vtk\common\vtkDataArrayTemplate.txx(1016) : error
C2491: 'vtkDataArrayTemplate<T>::NewIterator': dfinition de fonction
dllimport non autorise
75>c:\paraview-3.12.0\vtk\common\vtkDataArrayTemplate.txx(1043) : error
C2491: 'vtkDataArrayTemplate<T>::UpdateLookup': dfinition de fonction
dllimport non autorise

in english : to *define the function dllimport is not allowed. *

Do you know chat do they mean, and what to do ?


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