[Paraview] SpaceNavigator , builtin: (version 10.1)

Ricardo Reis rreis at aero.ist.utl.pt
Tue Nov 8 08:02:10 EST 2011


  When using the space navigator, selecting the "builtin:" from the 
pipeline browser, has soon has you give some input to it... it doesn't 
stop moving for a long time. So it's trick and despairing to try to evolve 
on the scene with the controller because it isn't fluid...

  Any ideas on how to solve this?

  best regards and thanks for your time,

  Ricardo Reis

  'Non Serviam'

  PhD candidate @ Lasef
  Computational Fluid Dynamics, High Performance Computing, Turbulence

  Cultural Instigator @ Rádio Zero


  contacts:  gtalk: kyriusan at gmail.com  skype: kyriusan

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