[Paraview] Drawing element Glyphs error

L.M. de Vries ManuelDeVries at GMail.com
Wed Jan 19 08:18:40 EST 2011


When trying to draw a velocity field (simple square -> 4 points with 2 
triangles) using Glyphs I receive the following error:

qDrawShadeRect: Invalid parameters
qDrawShadeRect: Invalid parameters

Steps to reproduce:

- Open attached file with Paraview 3.8.1
- Open the attached file
- Click apply (shows the square)
- Click Glyphs (error messages are shown

If I click Apply for the Glyphs, 4 horizontal arrows (should be in a 
direction?) are shown at
each point (should be in each Cell...).

Is there something wrong with my input file, or is this a bug in Paraview?

Thanks for you help,

Luis Manuel
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