[Paraview] Tecplot reader from PV 3.8.1 fails on Linux Redhat CentOS

Richard GRENON richard.grenon at onera.fr
Thu Jan 13 13:47:39 EST 2011

Hi Adriano.
I always used the downloaded 3.8.1 binaries from the Paraview download 
page. Following is the header of my ascii Tecplot File. I don't know 
exactly for which Tecplot version they are formatted by our CFD 
software, but they are readable by Tecplot 360, and I am using the same 
Tecplot files that I used on my HP workstation.

> TITLE = ""
> VARIABLES = "x" "y" "z" "frictionvectorx" "frictionvectory" 
> "frictionvectorz" "frictionmodulus" "yplusmeshsize"
> ZONE T="Window(s) : sf13257_blk_39",  I=17,  J=13, F=BLOCK
>  2.6397699E+01  2.6377867E+01  2.6358173E+01  2.6338665E+01  
> 2.6319424E+01  2.6300579E+01
This is a multiblock dataset and the file contains many Zones (one for 
each block). Note that the third dimension K is missing as each block is 
a surface grid. Tecplot 360 assumes that K=1, and the PV 3.8.1 Tecplot 
reader also does not care of the missing K dimension as it was working 
on HP Redhat 5. On Dell CentOS, no error message, but the data are 



Adriano Gagliardi a écrit :
> Hi Richard,
> Was the version of ParaView you used on the HP workstation a self-compiled
> version or from downloaded binaries? Which version of Tecplot are the files
> formatted in, and these haven't changed between workstations? If possible,
> could you post a header of one of the Tecplot files?
> Regards,
> Adriano
> ===================================
> Adriano Gagliardi MEng PhD
> Business Sector Leader
> Computational Aerodynamics
> Aircraft Research Association Ltd.
> Manton Lane
> Bedford
> Tel: 01234 32 4644
> E-mail: agagliardi at ara.co.uk
> Url: www.ara.co.uk 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: paraview-bounces at paraview.org [mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org]
> On Behalf Of Richard GRENON
> Sent: 13 January 2011 17:26
> To: paraview at paraview.org
> Subject: [Paraview] Tecplot reader from PV 3.8.1 fails on Linux Redhat
> CentOS
> Hello, all.
> I have been using Paraview 3.8.1 with the Tecplot reader without a problem
> on an old HP xw4200 workstation with Linux 64 Redhat 5. The only thing that
> did not work was the LIC plugin because my graphic card driver was too old.
> Today, my workstation has been replaced and I have now a Dell T3500 with
> Linux 64 Redhat CentOS, but the Tecplot reader fails. I get no error
> message, each array in the dataset is recognized with its correct name, but
> all values are completely wrong: each array (coordinates or CFD
> scalars) is in the range [0,9] or [-9,9] and the drawing in the 3D window
> looks like an aircraft after a crash! The problem appears both with PV 3.8.1
> 32 bits and PV 3.8.1 64 bits. I am using the binaries from the Paraview
> download page.
> Our CFD software produces only Tecplot files and I have a workaround with a
> small utility that can convert my ascii Tecplot Datasets into ascii VTM
> Datasets, and at least the LIC plugin works fine on theswe VTM datasets.
> But translating Tecplot datasets into VTM datasets is very annoying when I
> am using large CFD datasets for a full aircraft because it duplicates my
> data and it reduces my free disk space. Does anyone has an idea of what
> could be done to repair the Tecplot Reader on CentOS?
> Best regards.

 Richard GRENON
 Departement d'Aerodynamique Appliquee - DAAP/ACI
 8 rue des Vertugadins
 phone : +33 1 46 73 42 17
 fax   : +33 1 46 73 41 46
 mailto:Richard.Grenon at onera.fr

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