[Paraview] zoom control

burlen burlen.loring at gmail.com
Sun Sep 26 19:47:15 EDT 2010

  3.2.3 is ancient. It will be well worth your while to upgrade.

The latest PV release has the ability to save/restore views, and assign 
custom views to a set buttons for quick access. This is found in the 
"adjust camera" dialog which is opened by the small button on top of the 
the 3D view.

On 09/26/2010 01:30 PM, Bryan Hinson wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using Paraview 3.2.3 on Ubuntu Linux to visualize 3D CFD data for 
> my master's thesis.  I would like to be able to take screenshots of 
> multiple datasets at the exact same viewpoint for comparison 
> purposes.  While I can accomplish this by loading more than one 
> dataset and hiding all but one, taking a screenshot and repeating for 
> the other datasets, this is not really a solution because I will run 
> out of memory before I can load everything I want to capture.
> I am using pvsm files to save the state, which works fine, except that 
> when the state loads, the camera settings are all exactly as I left 
> them, but the view is zoomed way in on the dataset.  I cannot find any 
> way to control the exact amount of zoom so as to take consistent 
> screenshots between pvsm loads.
> I have played with lookmarks some, but they seem to suffer the same 
> zooming issue I just mentioned.
> Aside from changing file and pathnames in the pvsm files to get exact 
> Paraview states for multiple datasets, I have been using the program 
> exclusively interactively.
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Regards,
> Bryan Hinson
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