[Paraview] pvserver not rendering when built with osmesa (MPI disabled)

Dave Partyka dave.partyka at kitware.com
Mon Nov 29 19:10:34 EST 2010

I just tried out the newly released 7.9 version last week and that one
worked fairly well for me. It appears to contain the fixes to make_current
that plagued 7.7/7.8.

On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 7:05 PM, pat marion <pat.marion at kitware.com> wrote:

> You could try again with mesa 7.6.1, I know that version works.  I think
> there was a problem with mesa since from that version through 7.8, but I
> think it is fixed in mesa's current development source.  I thought the
> problem manifested itself as a crash though, not a hang.  Hopefully someone
> else will recognize your problem, I have never seen that before.
> Pat
> On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 7:00 PM, Jeff Mauldin <jamauld at sandia.gov> wrote:
>>  I did a clone of the repository using git (on Nov 18).  I'm trying to do
>> stuff with ParaViewWeb and some of the things in ParaViewWeb need some of
>> the latest changes.
>> I'm using version 7.7.1 of mesa (and I therefore assume osmesa), as the
>> wiki seemed to indicate this was a version which worked.  I didn't try a
>> later version of mesa.
>> pat marion wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> Which version of paraview source code are you compiling, and which version
>> of osmesa are you using?
>> Pat
>> On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 6:16 PM, Jeff Mauldin <jamauld at sandia.gov> wrote:
>> I am trying to run a paraview server (pvserver) on a multinode machine
>> using osmesa to do offscreen rendering (and then viewed from a client on
>> another machine).
>> I have been successful in compiling pvserver with osmesa.  However, when I
>> try to use pvserver, it hangs.  Specifically, I start a paraview client on
>> machine A (bentley) and ask for a reverse-connection connection to a
>> pvserver which I will start manually on machine B.  I go to machine B and
>> start pvserver (in reverse connect, with machine A specified as the client
>> host).
>> The connection is successful insofar as the output on the terminal I
>> started pvserver on on machine B says
>> Connected to client.
>> However, no rendering occurs on the paraview client on Machine A.
>> quite a bit of digging later (including putting some printf calls into
>> pvserver on machine B), I've figured out where the hang is:
>> In
>> vtkPVSynchronizedRenderWindows::SynchronizeBounds
>> we are in case RENDER_SERVER and we freeze during either the
>> c_rs_controller->Send
>> or
>> c_rs_controller->Receive
>> call.
>> A bit of the call stack is:
>> vtkPVSynchronizedRenderWindows::SynchronizeBounds
>> vtkPVRenderView::GatherBoundsInformation
>> vtkPVRenderView::Render
>> I belive this is the first render attempt made by pvserver.
>> I had compiled pvserver without MPI and am currently trying to recompile
>> it with MPI.
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