[Paraview] New to paraview

Andy Bauer andy.bauer at kitware.com
Wed Jul 21 09:30:48 EDT 2010

I'm not sure the of the best solution but the way that I would do it is to
use the python shell (under Tools menu) and then go to trace (on the
right).  Trace will keep track of your actions between starting and ending
the trace.  With the trace started:
1) open both sphere1.vtu and facet1.vtu and create the image that you want.

2) go to File->Save Screenshot to save the image
3) end the trace
4) save the trace and modify the resulting python script to loop over your
time steps for both file reading and writing (you may also need to get rid
of any previous pipeline information by deleting the appropriate objects)
5) run the modified script with pvpython


On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 2:50 AM, ADERSH V K <advk.tvm at gmail.com> wrote:

> Ya exactly, the files are sphere1.vtu, facet1.vtu etc.  I want to make
> sphere1.vtu and facet1.vtu in to one frame,  that at time t=0, then
> sphere2.vtu and facet2.vtu in to a second frame, which is at the next time
> step etc.  and finally i want to make it as a continuous animation.   Is it
> possible?
> Even if i want to open each one separately (one sphere and one facet and
> save as png file using Tools->Record Test Screenshots),  is it possible to
> code this task, may be using python, and execute in paraview?
> thanks
> On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 10:20 PM, Andy Bauer <andy.bauer at kitware.com>wrote:
>> I think ParaView is assuming that the files you're trying to open are from
>> a time series.  This usually happens when the files are named like
>> file1.vtu, file2.vtu,...  There are the vcr controls to animate if that's
>> what you want to do.  Otherwise if you want all of the files loaded such
>> that you can view them simultaneously you'll I think you'll need to open
>> each one of them separately.
>> Andy
>> On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 11:05 AM, ADERSH V K <advk.tvm at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi to all
>>> Recently I installed paraview in my debian system (3.2.2).  I have a
>>> large number of .vtu files, (spheres and facets).  When i try to open all
>>> all sheres together using paraview only the first one is coming.   But in
>>> the manual it is mentioned that a group of files can be opened together.
>>> Why is this?
>>> Also I want to create a video using these frames (Each frame contains
>>> sphere and facet).   Please help me...
>>> thanks
>>> --
>>> Adersh V K
>>> Research Fellow
>>> National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSIR),
>>> India
>>> +91-9995165951
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> --
> Adersh V K
> Research Fellow
> National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSIR),
> India
> +91-9995165951
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