[Paraview] low level C++ example how to communicate with pvserver

Thomas Kipling kipling_t at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 16 04:17:49 EST 2010

Dear John,
thank you very much for sharing the example. However, I don't see how I can make 
use of it in relation to my original question. I am not sure whether the reason 
is that I am not enough familiar with the Paraview concepts or because the 
actual server manager usage examples that I am looking for are left out in your 

>I manually instantiate the pvserver manager stuff and then access it via  
>proxies (whereas you want to communicate with an existing pvserver). 

What do you mean by "I manually instantiate the pvserver manager stuff"? Please 
mention, where this takes place in your code. Can you roughly describe how 
"instantiating the pvserver manager stuff" can be replaced by connecting to a 
running pvserver? Because this was my actual problem.

The only relation to server manager classes (vtkSMProxies) I find in your code 
is in the files SMAdaptor.h and SMAdaptor.cxx, but these are included or linked 
nowhere else.

I am sure your example may give some answers to my initial question, but due to 
my limited knowledge I only see a MPI VTK application without obvious connection 
to pvserver communication. Would you help with further explanations?


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