[Paraview] Paraview 3.4.0 accepting connections from multiple servers

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Thu Jul 9 09:22:31 EDT 2009

Here's how you can specify the display to use for each server using a
configuration file called "pvx".

  <Process Type="server">
    <Machine Name="m1" Environment="DISPLAY=:0" />
    <Machine Name="m2" Environment="DISPLAY=:1" />

Now start the pvserver as:
> mpirun -np 2 <path>/pvserver <path>/configuration.pvx

Now connect to this server using the paraview client. If you set the
remote render threshold from the "Edit|Settings" dialog to 0 you will
see that the 2 server rendering windows will pop up on the two


On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 8:12 PM, Berk Geveci<berk.geveci at kitware.com> wrote:
> It was never possible to have multiple servers connect to a ParaView
> client. There was a way of specifying the display variable for each
> node in a configuration file. Using that you could launch a 2 process
> mpi job and assign each to a different display. Utkarsh, do you know
> if we are still reading configuration xml files (I forgot the
> extension)?
> On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Manjunath
> Sripadarao<manjunaths at gmail.com> wrote:
>> If I have a cluster of machines and I am trying to run paraview. I
>> have 2 GPUs on one machine and I am running 2 X servers one on each of
>> the GPU. I want to run 2 pvserver instances one on each GPU and have
>> then distribute the rendering load on the GPUs. The Paraview Client
>> GUI runs on another machine and needs to accept connections from the
>> two servers. Is this possible with the 3.4.0 version of Paraview ? It
>> was possible with the 2.x series, but I am unable to get this running
>> with the 3.4 series.
>> If this is my servers.pvsc file and viz3g0 and viz3g1 show up when I
>> use the File->Connect gui.
>> <Server name="viz3g0" resource="cs://viz3:11111" owner="site">
>>   <ManualStartup />
>> </Server>
>> <Server name="viz3g1" resource="cs://viz3:11112" owner="site">
>>   <ManualStartup />
>> </Server>
>> I run 2 server using
>> $ mpirun -np 1 -e DISPLAY=:0 pvserver --client-host=viz2 --server-port=11111 &
>> $ mpirun -np 1 -e DISPLAY=:1 pvserver --client-host=viz2 --server-port=11112
>> But I can only choose viz3g0 or viz3g1 from the GUI, but not both. If
>> I get viz3g0 to connect and then select viz3g1, viz3g0 is
>> disconnected.
>> How does one achieve getting multiple servers to connect to a single client ?
>> Thanks,
>> Manju
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