[Paraview] How to open a render window with paraview python script

Camilo Cortés camiloacm at gmail.com
Fri Sep 26 18:53:23 EDT 2008

Hi all,

I want to know how can i make a paraview render window to stop closing after
its opening... Our method is to connect through the servermanager and load a
VTK file (via a dialog), but once loaded we have to make the thread to sleep
for some time to view its contents. I want to avoid sleeping the thread, i
want more like an embedded window or a side frame that never closes, so i
can have some interaction with it.

The code:

            reader =
            renWin = sm.CreateRenderView()
            rep = sm.CreateRepresentation(reader,renWin)

Is there another place besides the Wiki where we can search for info about
python scripting and API?

Thanks in advance

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