[Paraview] Paraview on SGI Altix 4000

Biao She shebiao at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 13:28:38 EDT 2008

Hi folks.
Has anyone ever installed paraview on SGI Altix 4000? If I compiled
paraview with "PARAVIEW_USE_MPI" option setting to ON, the paraview
didn't work properly. For example, I first started the MPI version
pvserver on the supercomputer by issuing "DISPLAY=:0 mpirun -np 4
./pvserver --use-offscreen-rendering",  then I launched paraview
locally and connected it to the pvserver on the supercomputer.
Normally, at the center of paraview display area, there should have
three reference lines of a coordinate system. However, my paraview
just displayed a black square.
I have also tried the non-MPI version and the precompiled version of
Paraview. They worked fine. I don't know if the problem is MPI
implementation problem. I have heard that SGI's MPI implementation is
kind of different. However, other programs, such as glxgears, worked
fine by using the SGI implementation. Also, if I use the x forwarding
to start the MPI version of pvserver, the rendering result is also
correct. So, I am not quite convinced that the problem is MPI problem
and I am quiet confused.
I will highly appreciate any of your comments.


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