[Paraview] EnSight writer

Nathanael Inkson Nathanael.Inkson at digitalflowsolutions.com
Tue Sep 16 04:42:30 EDT 2008

Dear people,

  Sorry to go on about this. I can find the code for the EnSight writer,
but I can't seem to actually find how to write an ensight file from

I assume that it has not been implemented yet.

I have figured out how to add file readers and filters by editing
filters.xml, ParaViewFilters.xml etc.

If you look in the writers.xml and ParaviewWriters.xml I can see the
code for the EnsightWriter there, yet there is no option for it at

It seems to me that the writers are set up very differently from the
readers and the filters.

Could anyone advise me how to go about implementing the Ensight Writer,
or any writer in general?



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