[Paraview] Export polydata and texture map in vtk file for viewing in paraview

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Wed Dec 10 16:08:46 EST 2008

In 3.4, if you load a 2D image and show it using the Slice
representation, ParaView will use texture map automatically. So you
shouldn't need to do anything but load the image data directly.


On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 2:34 PM, James Matthews
<james.matthews at earthling.net> wrote:
> Hi, I would like some advice regarding displaying a 2D slice of scalar data
> on a structured grid in a 3D scene containing polydata using Paraview.
> I have a 2D slice of data from an FE analysis which with I want to view in
> Paraview. I want to view it on a 2D plane within a 3D 'scene' consisting of
> 3D polydata. For example I have a vehicle placed in the center of the scene
> which is imported from a .vtp file I have created. I have analysis results
> on a plane through the centre of the vehicle. This is scalar data on a 2D
> structured grid. I want to be able to import the vehicle model in .vtp
> format and import the analysis results in a standard vtk format and view
> both.
> The analysis data I have in an vtkimagedata object. One solution is to use
> the geometry filter and create polydata and write this to a .vtp file. e.g.
> (assuming the image data is stored in *id);
> vtkImageDataGeometryFilter *idf = vtkImageDataGeometryFilter::New();
> idf->SetInput(id);
> vtkXMLPolyDataWriter *writer = vtkXMLPolyDataWriter::New();
> writer->SetInput(idf->GetOutput());
> writer->SetFileName(fname.c_str());
> writer->Write();
> For large data sets the visualisation is slow. What I really want to do is
> create a plane and texture map the analysis data onto it. I can create a
> plane with texture coords and export this separately as a .vtp file. I can
> also export the image data as an image file (png/jpeg etc.). In paraview I
> can then open the .vtp file containing the plane with texture coords and
> then apply the texture by reading in the image.
> However, can I do this using a single file? Is there a way to have the
> texture mapped polydata and texture in one file so that when it is opened
> you see the texture mapped polydata? Have I gone  about this all wrong? Any
> better ideas as to how I do this?
> Many Thanks,
> JM
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