[Paraview] hyperstreamline visualization

Pierre JUILLARD pierre.juillard at gmail.com
Tue Dec 9 09:55:46 EST 2008

Hi ParaView user,

Having stress tensor in VTK file, I would like to visualize them.

Different solutions may exist:

1). For instance, evaluate the principal components (vectors) from stress
tensor and use the 'stream tracer' filter to visualize each principal
component individually. However, in the 'Calculator' filter, I see neither
'extract principal component' function, nor the possibility to interact with
tensor at all: only the access to scalars and vectors is allowed.
Could you confirm me this?

2). Another actually much more interesting way would be to use the
Hyperstreamline method available in the VTK library (
http://www.vtk.org/doc/release/5.2/html/a00565.html). Nonetheless, I don't
see the equivalent filter in ParaView.
Is there a way to 'activate' it simply in ParaView?
Or should an external filter be developped (based on the existing VTK

I thank youfor your help!

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