[Paraview] time aware custom reader

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Tue Aug 5 13:59:57 EDT 2008

> In the EnSight reader RequestData() both
>       outInfo->Set(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::TIME_STEPS(),
>                    &uniqueTimeValues[0],
>                    numTimeValues);
> and
>       outInfo->Set(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::TIME_RANGE(),
>                    timeRange, 2);
> are set. The interface has
>   <DoubleVectorProperty name="TimestepValues" information_only="1">
> but no
>   <DoubleVectorProperty name="TimeRange" information_only="1">

That is correct.

> I can use the animation slider control to examine transient data, but
> while the time-selector at the top shows the current time, but it can't
> always be used to index through the values. The behaviour seems to be
> related to particular cases itself and if it has been opened with
> --data=Ensight.case, or via File/Open. For the cases where it doesn't
> work, it is quite reproducible.
> Could this be somehow related to it not setting
> vtkDataObject::DATA_TIME_STEPS() as David's email stated?
> The only reader that does seem to be using this is the vtkXMLReader.
> Regardless of that, I also noticed either a Qt/GUI bug or some
> strangeness in the time handling.  Using the animation slider to scroll
> through time works mostly okay, but using the time-selector causes the
> slider itself to get out of sync. The current time reported within the
> slider is correct, but the slider position is all wrong.
> Furthermore, even with snap-to-timesteps, weird times are getting
> selected. Eg, with the time steps (0 2.75803e-5 e3-5 6e-6) it tries to
> snap to 2e-05.
> If there has already been a bug report, I can also tack on some test
> files.

I do not recall seeing any of these before.  Submitting a bug report with data attached would probably help.


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