[Paraview] Reading .cube Files

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at gmail.com
Thu Sep 7 15:18:04 EDT 2006

Should I remove the reader from ParaView then? From VTK?


On 9/7/06, Jean Favre <jfavre at cscs.ch> wrote:
> Berk Geveci wrote:
> > So, I am guessing one _always_ extracts one of the outputs and then
> > apply a filter. Does it make sense to apply the same filter to both
> > outputs?
> no, it makes no sense at all. The first output is only polydata used to
> generate a molecular representation (via glyphs)
> the second port holds a 3D voume mesh (vtkImageData) which is the volume
> of density in which the molecule is placed.
> >
> > I am trying to figure out whether the output of this reader should
> > multi-block. It sounds like it should not. It sounds like the two
> > outputs have different purposes and should remain separate.
> >
> I would not dedicate any effort to this specific reader. My experience
> shows that support in PV was broken for many months and nobody
> complained. Further, the reader itself needs a new implementation to be
> conform to other molecular visualization packages (IMHO)
> Working however on the more general purpose of separating multiple ports
> is a much more useful.
> Jean
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