[Paraview] [pv2.5] save session state does not save all parameters...

fred fredmfp at gmail.com
Thu Oct 5 17:45:55 EDT 2006

fred a écrit :

>Amy Squillacote a écrit :
>>Hi Fred,
>>Which "outline colors" are not being saved in when you save session state?
>Hi Amy,
>In fact, as I said in a later post, this is not due to save the session
>Look at this:
>This is the "original" scene, with Outline filter in black.
>Note that Outline0 is selected in yellow.
>Then if you select say, Contour0, and re-select Outline0, it is white, as
>you can see here:
Hmmm, no answer :-(

No one can reproduce it ?



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