[Paraview] Ensight

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Tue Mar 21 15:25:36 EST 2006

--On March 21, 2006 03:17:10 PM  <berk.geveci at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Another problem could be that the data is taken as a structured grid in
>> ensight and an unstructured grid in paraview.
> This would make a huge difference both in file size (i.e. I/O time),
> memory usage and performance.

I know of at least one case where the data was converted from structured to 
unstructured for one reason: some cells in the structured array were 
unused. They could be flagged as such in OpenDX and Ensight but there 
didn't seem to be a way to do this with VTK/ParaView. Any ideas on how to 
so flag a cell in a structured array?

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

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