[Paraview] Grid connectivity, Delaunay3D?

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Thu Mar 17 13:27:38 EST 2005

Daniel Goldstein wrote:
>   I have been working with ParaView recently to visualize velocity and 
> vorticity fields generated form an adaptive wavelet collocation solver,
> which our group has been developing.  The data fields I have are an 
> adaptive subset of a regular grid. For each point in the field I have
> scalar or vector values and a field location.  I have been saving data 
> into an unstructured grid VTK file format, but I do not have any cell 
> information,
> just points in space.  This allows me to use glyphs but as far as I can 
> figure out I cannot do isosurfaces, volume visualizations, streamlines 
> and so on.
> If I understand correctly Paraview needs connectivity information 
> between the points to be able to do these things.  The Delaunay3D filter 
> has been mentioned
> recently on this list and from looking at the documentation the filter  
> might provide the connectivity  information I need. My questions are:
> 1) Does the Delaunay3D filter seem applicable to my need for generating 
> connectivity information between points in space?

Yes, but since your points are already a subset of a regular grid your 
adaptive sampling algorithm should be able to produce better 
connectivity.  If by "adaptive subset of a regular grid" you mean an 
octree, then it should be trivial to generate hexahedral cells for the 
octree leaves.

> 2) Is there a reason the Delaunay3D filter was not included in ParaView

I don't think there is a particular reason.  It just has not been 
commonly needed.

> 3) Could someone who has already implemented the necessary xml files to 
> allow the Delaunay3D filter to be loaded by ParaView please
>    post them (or send them to me) so I do not have to duplicate your 
> work.  (I'll put in my IOU to do the same for others when I am up to speed
>    with ParaView and VTK)

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