[Paraview] AMR reader - a few questions

Randy Hudson hudson at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Jun 8 18:52:42 EDT 2005

I'm trying, by studying vtkHierarchicalBoxDataSet, Graphics/Testing/Cxx/vtkTestHierarchicalDataReader.* and Graphics/Testing/Cxx/TestHierarchicalBoxPipeline.cxx, to create a version of my paraview Flash reader that loads the data into the AMR structure you folks've been working on.

I use the contour and cutting filters right now on the vtkUnstructuredGrid output of my current reader.  
1)  Will I be able to apply those to the AMR structure?
2)  Will I also be able to do clipping, streamlines of vector data, data probing and volume rendering?

For my current reader, paraview keeps track of multiple scalar variables that are attributes of the same grid.
1)  Will the same happen with the AMR structure, or must I take care of that myself?


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