[Paraview] Paraview 1.8.4 commandline arguments

Jeremy Stout stout.jeremy at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 10:35:16 EST 2005

I am trying to get Paraview 1.8.4 to run in parallel mode. I use the
following commands:

mpirun -np 4 /usr/local/common/paraview-1.8.4-linux/bin/paraview 
--server --port=10000

paraview --client --host=node2 --port=10000

When I execute the server command, Paraview starts a client on node2
of my Beowulf cluster. I do not see any indication that Paraview is
running on any of my other nodes.

When I try to connect with the client, I get a connection refused error.

If I use Paraview 1.8.2, the program starts up in server mode on 4
nodes and I am able to connect with the client.

I looked at the commandline arguments for 1.8.4 and it seems nothing
has changed from 1.8.2.

Does anyone have any advice or comments on how to resolve this
problem? Thank you.

Jeremy Stout

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