[Paraview] one global structure

Fabian Braennstroem f.braennstroem at gmx.de
Tue Apr 26 13:43:41 EDT 2005


I have a rectilinear mesh for my problem and want to write
out a lot of time steps in different files. This should be
no problem to do; I think using 'Collection' I can collect
them again; like this example I found:

  <VTKFile type="Collection">
  <DataSet part="0" file="a_field-part0-{timestepnumber}.vtr"/>
  <DataSet part="1" file="a_field-part1-{timestepnumber}.vtr"/>


My problem is now, that I have to write the structure and
mesh data for every time step in every file which will
produce a lot of bytes. Is there a way to define the grid
and structure of all data-files global in one file, so that
the data-files just have data in binary format inside?

Thanks and Greetings!

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