BatchMake is a cross platform tool for batch processing of large amount of data. BatchMake can process datasets locally or on distributed systems using Condor.
Common Features:
- BSD License
- CMake like scripting langage
- Distributed Scripting via Condor
- Central remote website for online statistical analysis
- User Interface using FLTK
- Cross platform
List of available commands:
- AppendFile Add a string to the end of a file
- CloseTCPSocket Close a TCP/IP socket
- DashboardExperiment Specify the encrypted name of the experiment to report on
- DashboardHost Specify the hostname of the central database manager
- DashboardNotify Specify the hostname of the central database manager
- DashboardSend Send the results of a program to the central database for data collection
- DeleteFile Delete a file on disk
- Echo Print messages on the standard output
- ExtractSlice Extract a slice from a 3D image volume
- ExtractString Extract a string from a string chain
- ForEach Create a "for" loop
- GetParam Access directly a parameter from a sequence
- If Defines a conditional statement
- Inc Increment a number by a certain amount
- Include Include another batchmake script
- Int Convert a variable to integer
- ListDirInDir List all the directories in a specified directory
- ListFileInDir List all the files in a specified directory
- OpenTCPSocket Open a TCP/IP socket
- Randomize Create a random number
- Run Execute a program in a thread
- Sequence Create a sequence of numbers
- Set Assign a value to a variable
- SetApp Assign a variable to an Application defined by the Application Wrapper
- SetAppOption Assign a value to a predefined option of a program
- SendTCP Send a message via TCP socket
- Sin Evaluate the sin() function
- WriteFile Write variables into a file
How to use each command:
AppendFile - Add a string to the end of a file
AppendFile( <filename> <value1> <value2> ... )
The first parameter is the name of the file and all the others parameters will be added at the end of this file.
Example :
sequence(seq 1 3 1) foreach(value ${seq}) appendFile('C:/bmtest.txt' 'value: ${value}\n') endforeach(value)
This script will add the following strings at the end of the file entitled "C:/bmtest.txt" :
"value: 1"
"value: 2"
"value: 3"
CloseTCPSocket - Close a TCP/IP socket
CloseTCPSocket( <SocketName> )
Example :
DashboardExperiment - Specify the encrypted name of the experiment to report on
DashboardExperiment( <encryptedExperiment> )
The encryptedExperiment is given when creating a new experiment online (this requires a login/pass)
Example :
DashboardExperiment( 7YF04vELWW4m1B88t)
DashboardHost - Specify the hostname of the central database manager
DashboardHost( <hostname> )
Example :
DashboardNotify - Add a new string to the central database
DashboardNotify( <message> )
Example :
DashboardNotify('End of first experiment')
DashboardSend - Send the results of a program to the central database for data collection
DashboardSend( <methodid> <value1> <value2> )
Example :
DeleteFile - Delete a file on disk
DeleteFile( <filename> )
Example :
Echo - Print messages on the standard output
Echo( <value1> <value2> ... )
Example :
sequence(seq 1 2 1) sequence(seq2 1 2 1) foreach(value ${seq}) foreach(value2 ${seq2}) Echo(value: ${value} ${value2}) endforeach(value2) endforeach(value)
This script will print the following lines on the screen :
value: 1 1
value: 1 2
value: 2 1
value: 2 2
ExtractSlice - Extract a slice from a 3D image volume
ExtractSlice( <3D image filename> <2D image filename> <orientation> <slice> )
Example :
This command extracts the saggital slice #23 from the volume head.mha and write the extracted slice to slice.jpg
ExtractString - Extract a string from a string chain
ExtractString( <output> <input> <lenght> [FROMEND] [KEEPEND] )
The parameter <output> will contain the <lenght> first characters of <input> if FROMEND is not set. With FROMEND the <lenght> last characters won't be copied. if KEEPEND is specified then the end of the string is returned.
Example :
set(example 'hello') extractstring(result ${example} 1) extractstring(result2 ${example} 2 FROMEND) extractstring(result3 ${example} 2 KEEPEND) extractstring(result4 ${example} 2 FROMEND KEEPEND) echo(${result}) echo(${result2}) echo(${result3}) echo(${result4})
This script will print the following lines on the screen :
ForEach / EndForEach - Create a "for" loop
ForEach( <variable> <sequence> )
EndForEach( <variable> )
During the ith iteration, <variable> contains the ith parameter of <sequence>. The EndForEach command allows to define the end of the loop.
Example :
set(seq a b c d e f) ForEach(letter ${seq}) echo(${letter}) EndForEach(letter)
This script will print the following lines on the screen :
GetParam - Access directly a parameter from a sequence
GetParam( <new variable> <sequence> <number> [<number2>] ... )
<number> corresponds to the argument of <sequence> to copy into <new variable>. We can copy as many arguments of <sequence> as we want adding at the end the rank of the argument in <sequence>.
Example :
sequence(seq 1 7 2) echo(${seq}) GetParam(new1 ${seq} 0) GetParam(new2 ${seq} 3) echo(${new1}) echo(${new2}) GetParam(new ${seq} 0 2) echo(${new})
This script will print the following lines on the screen :
1 3 5 7
1 5
If / EndIf - Defines a conditional statement=
If( <variable1> == or <= or >= or != <variable2> ) EndIf( <variable> )