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This page documents how to maintain ParaView branches through Git. See our table of contents for more information.

Merging next topics into master

Before you begin, perform initial setup:



$ git clone --recursive git://


$ ./Utilities/

Gatekeeper Review Script

Script used for weekly ParaView Gatekeeper Review.

<source lang="python">

  1. !/usr/bin/env python

import subprocess import sys import re

  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class UserCancelled(Exception):

 def __str__(self):
   return "Cancelled by user"

pv_only = re.compile("^\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\\s*\|?\\s*$"); pv_and_vtk = re.compile("^\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\\s*|\\s*VTK\\s*$");

def execute(command, **kwargs):

 no_echo = kwargs.get("no_echo")
 if not no_echo:
   print "> %s" % command
 process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True,
 output,_ =  process.communicate()
 if output and not no_echo:
   print "  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
   for part in output.splitlines():
     print "  | %s" % part
   print "  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
 if process.returncode:
   raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(command, process.returncode)
 return output.strip()

def execute_vtk(command, **kwargs):

 return execute("cd VTK && %s" % command, **kwargs)

def check(text):

 if raw_input("\n> %s : (y/n) : " % text) != 'y':
   raise UserCancelled()
  1. def merge_paraview_topic(name):
  2. execute("git log --oneline --decorate --graph origin/master..stage/%s" % name)
  3. check("Merge %s into ParaView?" % name)
  4. execute("ssh stage ParaView merge -b master %s" % name)
  5. def merge_paraview_vtk_topic(name):
  6. execute("cd VTK && git log --oneline --decorate --graph pvvtk/pv-master..pvvtk/%s" % name)
  7. check("Merge %s into PVVTK?" % name)
  8. execute("ssh stage PVVTK merge -b pv-master %s" % name)
  9. merge_paraview_topic(name)

def git_reachable(shaA, shaB):

 "Returns true when shaB is reachable from shaA i.e. shaA is ancestor of shaB"
 # based on logic from:
 merge_base = execute("git merge-base %s %s" % (shaB, shaA), no_echo=True)
 rev_parse = execute("git rev-parse --verify %s" % shaA, no_echo=True)
 return merge_base == rev_parse

def git_vtk_reachable(shaA, shaB):

 "Returns true when shaB is reachable from shaA i.e. shaA is ancestor of shaB"
 # based on logic from:
 merge_base = execute_vtk("git merge-base %s %s" % (shaB, shaA), no_echo=True)
 rev_parse = execute_vtk("git rev-parse --verify %s" % shaA, no_echo=True)
 return merge_base == rev_parse

def interactive_merge(topic, vtk_sha):

 """Merge a ParaView topic interactively."""
 print "--------------------------------------------------"
 print "Topic:", topic
 execute("git log --oneline --decorate --graph origin/master..stage/%s" % topic)
   if vtk_sha:
     check("Merge '%s' into ParaView (+VTK)?" % topic)
     check("Merge '%s' into ParaView?" % topic)
 except UserCancelled as e:
   print " ", e, ", skipping..."
   return False
 if vtk_sha:
   # this topic has a VTK change. Locate the VTK topic that brings in this
   # change. Because people never name the two topic the same, we have to do
   # some extra juggling here.
   # find all topics on pvvtk that this vtk_sha is available in.
   vtk_topics = execute_vtk("git branch --contains=%s -r | grep pvvtk | sed -e 's|pvvtk/||' | sort" % vtk_sha, no_echo=True)
   vtk_topics = vtk_topics.split()
   if not "master" in vtk_topics:
     raise RuntimeError, "VTK topic not merged into vtk-master. Cannot proceed with the merge."
   except ValueError:
   except ValueError:
   if len(vtk_topics) > 1:
     # ask the user which topic to merge.
     print "  Possible VTK topics for SHA-1 ", vtk_sha
     for index,vtk_topic in enumerate(vtk_topics):
       print " ", index,":", vtk_topic
     choice = int(raw_input("  Pick VTK Topic (0-%d): " % (len(vtk_topics)-1)))
     if choice >= 0 and choice < len(vtk_topics):
       # narrow down the available topics to the one chosen by the user.
       vtk_topics = [vtk_topics[choice]]
       raise RuntimeError, "Invalid VTK topic chosen %d" % choice
   elif len(vtk_topics) == 1:
       check(" - Merge vtk_topic '%s'" % vtk_topics[0])
     except UserCancelled:
       return False
   # at this point vtk_topics must have only 1 topic of interest.
   if len(vtk_topics) != 1:
     raise RuntimeError, "No VTK topic found/picked for ", vtk_sha
   # warn the user if the vtk_topic has more commits than the one the ParaView topic refers to.
   vtk_topic_head_sha = execute_vtk("git show --raw pvvtk/%s | head -n1 | sed -e 's|commit ||'" % vtk_topics[0], no_echo=True)
   if vtk_topic_head_sha != vtk_sha:
     print "WARNING: VTK topic '%s' has more commits than those refered by ParaView topic" % vtk_topics[0]
       check("Are you sure you want to merge it?")
     except UserCancelled as e:
       print " ", e, ", skipping..."
       return False
   execute("ssh stage PVVTK merge -b pv-master %s" % vtk_topics[0])
 execute("ssh stage ParaView merge -b master %s" % topic)
 print "Merge successful!!!"
 return True
  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

print """

                     )\ )                                         
                    (()/(    )  (       )   )   (     (   (  (    
                     /(_))( /(  )(   ( /(  /((  )\   ))\  )\))(   
                    (_))  )(_))(()\  )(_))(_))\((_) /((_)((_)()\  
                    | _ \((_)_  ((_)((_)_ _)((_)(_)(_))  _(()((_) 
                    |  _// _` || '_|/ _` |\ V / | |/ -_) \ V  V / 
                    |_|  \__,_||_|  \__,_| \_/  |_|\___|  \_/\_/  """

print """

  _____       _       _                               _____            _               
 / ____|     | |     | |                             |  __ \          (_)              
| |  __  __ _| |_ ___| | _____  ___ _ __   ___ _ __  | |__) |_____   ___  _____      __
| | |_ |/ _` | __/ _ | |/ / _ \/ _ | '_ \ / _ | '__| |  _  // _ \ \ / | |/ _ \ \ /\ / /
| |__| | (_| | ||  __|   |  __|  __| |_) |  __| |    | | \ |  __/\ V /| |  __/\ V  V / 
 \_____|\__,_|\__\___|_|\_\___|\___| .__/ \___|_|    |_|  \_\___| \_/ |_|\___| \_/\_/  
                                   | |                                                 


print""" **** LOCAL CHANGES MAY BE OVERWRITTEN !!! **** """ print""" **** LOCAL CHANGES MAY BE OVERWRITTEN !!! **** """ print""" **** LOCAL CHANGES MAY BE OVERWRITTEN !!! **** """ print""" **** LOCAL CHANGES MAY BE OVERWRITTEN !!! **** \n\n"""

  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

print "Preparing repository for Gatekeeper Review..."

  1. Ensure all "core" remotes are up-to-date.

execute("git fetch origin -p") execute("git fetch stage -p") execute_vtk("git fetch origin -p") execute_vtk("git fetch pvvtk -p")

  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Locate all topics merged into next that are currently on stage.

topics = execute("git branch -r --merged origin/nightly-next | grep stage | sed -e 's|stage/||' | sort", no_echo=True) topics = topics.split() try:


except ValueError:

  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. For each topic, determine if is changes VTK.
  3. A topic changes VTK if the VTK SHA it refers to is not reachable form the
  4. VTK SHA in master.

master_vtk_ref = execute("git ls-tree origin/master VTK | awk '{print $3}'", no_echo=True) vtk_topics_map = {} for topic in topics:

 topic_vtk_ref = execute("git ls-tree stage/%s VTK | awk '{print $3}'" % topic , no_echo=True)
 already_in_master = git_vtk_reachable(topic_vtk_ref, master_vtk_ref)
 if already_in_master:
   vtk_topics_map[topic] = None
   vtk_topics_map[topic] = topic_vtk_ref
  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Print some status messages for the human.

print "" print "---------------------------------------------" print "Topics in next that can be merged: " for topic in topics:

 if vtk_topics_map[topic]:
   print "(VTK)  ", topic
   print "       ", topic

print "" print ""

  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Interactively merge the topics.

topics_merged = [] for topic in topics:

 if interactive_merge(topic, vtk_topics_map[topic]):
  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

check("Wrapup gatekeeper review?") execute("git fetch origin -p") execute("git fetch stage -p") execute_vtk("git fetch origin -p") execute_vtk("git fetch pvvtk -p")

  1. merge pvvtk/pv-master into origin/master

execute_vtk("git checkout -f origin/master") execute_vtk("git merge --no-ff pvvtk/pv-master") execute_vtk("git push gerrit HEAD:master")

  1. reset pv-next.

execute_vtk("git checkout -f pvvtk/pv-master")

  1. dfff5bee7e6dd05e3b763dde829841766679056d is the pv-next deny commit.

execute_vtk("git merge --no-ff dfff5bee7e6dd05e3b763dde829841766679056d -m 'Merge pv-master into pv-next'") execute_vtk("git push -f pvvtk HEAD:pv-next")

  1. reset next.
  2. first get the list of topics merged in next that will get unmerged.

dangling_topics = execute("git branch -r --merged stage/next | grep stage | sed -e 's|stage/||' | sort", no_echo=True) dangling_topics = dangling_topics.split() try:


except ValueError:




except ValueError:


execute("git checkout -f origin/master") execute("git merge --no-ff aa525d5d662ea6c7036e47a07e4c8a146a773e5f -m 'Merge master into next'") execute("git push -f origin HEAD:next")

print "" print "" print "SUMMARY"

print "---------------------------------------------" print "Topics merged into master: " for topic in topics_merged:

 if vtk_topics_map[topic]:
   print "(VTK)  ", topic
   print "       ", topic

print "" print "" print "---------------------------------------------" print "Topics reverted from next: " for topic in dangling_topics:

 print " ", topic


Miscellaneous Commands

  • Show branches merged in next or master on stage
$ git fetch stage -p
$ git branch -r --merged stage/next | grep stage
$ git branch -r --merged stage/master | grep stage
  • Find the SHA1 for the VTK submodule that a branch is referring to.
$ git ls-tree <branchname> VTK | awk '{print $3}'