ParaView 3 Telecon 07-16-2009

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Item People Description
1 Ice MARS/V&V Milestone issues
2 Weirs Python Scripting backwards compatibility
3 Moreland pvblot
4 Moreland Stronger Dashboard
  • Repository lockdown?
  • Dashboard drill sergeant
  • Boiling the frog coverage
5 Thompson Statistics Update
6 Ayachit ParaView 3.6 Release Update
7 Moreland IEEE Vis Tutorial


Utkarsh will ask Berk if Kitware is able to absorb 1FTE for the rest of the year.

Stronger Dashboard

Dashboard looking good. Dave Partyka is maintaining it.

Utkrash is going to work on coverage. He will proabably integrate this with his work on branding, which requires rewriting the GUI tests anyway.


Dave super-promises to have something by next meeting.

ParaView 3.6 Release

Binaries are done. By Monday the announcement should come out.

Alan cautions to check to make sure that the help works on non-development platforms.

IEEE Vis Tutorial

Please make slides. They are due July 27th.

Python Script backwards compatibility

Greg Weirs issues might be an oversight. When Berk gets back, they will look to see if they can correct the issues.